搜索 霍埃尔·拉曼根

  • Master director Joel Lamangan tells the story of Eunice aka Moonlight Butterfly, the hottest GRO in Angeles, Pampanga and the three men in her life. She soon learns to play the game of lust and love in order to survive and provide for her family.
  • 荒凉小镇久旱成灾,天狗食日之际,爱莎据称亲历圣母显灵,获赐予治病能力。朝圣者与好奇客闻风涌至,居民趁机大刮油水,出售圣物圣水、出租被铺甚至床上服务一应俱全。导演赶来凑热闹拍摄奇人异事纪录片,爆出爱莎因奸而怀胎,居民深信是圣灵感孕。此时雷电交加天降甘霖,爱莎突然道出真相,令全镇陷入疯狂。改编真人真事,贝卢将「奇迹」提升至…
  • A family of aswang attempt to transition into a living a more normal, less monstrous life.