搜索 Butler

  • 故事讲述的是公立高中的一年级生绫崎飒,因其父母性格懒散,使得他不得不每天都打工养家。圣诞夜,回到家中的绫崎飒发现父母留给他一张白条,原来,父母欠下了一亿五千万日圆债务后逃之夭夭。为了还债甚至还企图贩卖绫崎飒的器官。 被黑道追杀走投无路的绫崎飒,妄图绑架附近公园的少女换取赎金,却阴差阳错的在层层误会之下,绫崎飒反倒成了少…
  • Will, a young Hispanic gay potter, is one gregarious guy. His boss is terrible, but he's got a great boyfriend and a great job. Unfortunately, behind that veneer is a dark past of violence and mental illness that he is desperate to keep hidden. When his bipolar mother comes out of the woodwork after ten years of si…
  • 在整夜的毕业沙滩狂欢聚会后,一群在外游荡20几岁的年轻人在毒辣的太阳下醒来。他们不知道的是一个食肉的沙滩正在吞没一切触摸到他的生物.........
  • 一名女子进入赛车学校后,精神不稳定的教练爱上了她,并试图碾压她生活中的每一个人
  • A Successful boxing trainer discovers that her boyfriend, A reigning champion, has been cheating on her with her own sister. She sets out to get revenge by training the one man capable of dethroning him: his arch-nemesis Kayden.
  • 冰雪融化,春暖花开。明媚的阳光下,杰力士森林公园里呈现出一派春天的景象。从冬眠中苏醒过来的小熊波波首先想到的,就是把自己的好朋友瑜伽叫醒。瑜伽可是一只了不起的宝贝。因为聪明、淘气,瑜伽不仅受到护林员让•斯密特的格外关照,就连州委员都知道瑜伽的大名。但除了聪明、淘气和老是惦记着弄点什么吃的,对于熊姑娘辛迪的爱,瑜伽好象有…
  • Carla lives life locked inside her house with her kind but tyrannical father. When their isolation is interrupted by a mysterious stranger, Carla questions the reasons for her family's withdrawal from the outside world and discovers dark secrets that redefine their existence.
  • 一个小女孩和她的弟弟带着几个朋友去看他们刚刚继承的房子。他们不知道的是,这所房子里有恶魔的鬼魂,还有一个女人的鬼魂,她被烧死在女巫的火刑上,现在她计划报复杀害兄弟姐妹和他们的朋友。
  • 一所独立的女子学院,一群长期行为不端的学生,由于他们的不良行为而受到惩罚,她们被指派清理一座宏伟的老宅邸(有不好的传闻),为学校的盛大重新开放做准备。当女孩们发现并使用一块满是灰尘的旧占卜板时,她们意外地复活了一个可怕的恶魔,恶魔开始用劈刀、钩子、汽车等工具将她们赶走。他们能在被杀之前结束这场噩梦吗?
  • A young woman enlists in an underground game of pain endurance in the hope of winning the million dollar prize. She soon learns the real opponent is the man who's running the game, as he employs horrific methods to manipulate and defeat her.