搜索 MIla

  • Jagged Mind is about a woman plagued by blackouts and strange visions that lead her to discover she’s stuck in a series of time loops, possibly related to her mysterious new girlfriend.
  • Jagged Mind is about a woman plagued by blackouts and strange visions that lead her to discover she’s stuck in a series of time loops, possibly related to her mysterious new girlfriend.
  • Six years after her husband, a prominent Belgrade lawyer, died in a fire, Anja Kolar receives information that makes her question everything she thought she knew about the accident and about her own family as well. At the same time the sudden death of his best friend's daughter draws police inspector Dejan Strbac into …
  • 这次多了两个学生,来自匈牙利的Zoltan和来自瑞典的Ingrid美女。  Danialle的万人迷地位受到威胁,Mr.Brown又多了两个头疼的学生  笑料接连不断
  • In 1974, the Portuguese and their descendants fled Angola where nationalist groups gradually claimed their territory back. A tribal girl discovers love and death when her path crosses that of a Portuguese soldier. Then, a Portuguese squad is barracked inside a wall from which they will have to escape once the past come…
  • 为了逃脱地狱坟墓的禁锢,吸血鬼(马汀·坎普 Martin Kemp 饰)需要纯洁处女的鲜血,在黑暗和痛苦中等待了千百年,一个名为夏洛特(艾莉莎·米兰诺 Alyssa Milano 饰)的年轻女孩成为了吸血鬼的目标。  夜晚静静的降临,每到此时,吸血鬼便会潜入夏洛特的梦中,在那里,他是无所不能的神。煽情的诱惑,欲望的纠葛,夏洛特的内心被吸血鬼搅得一…
  • 在一个罪恶的都市,一个散发着孤独和死亡臭味的偏远小镇里,只有廖少的人仍旧住在那里,每天撒谎,欺诈,偷窃,滥赌和吸毒来消磨他们那没有目标而又没完没了的时间,可以这样猜想,他们全都在暗自祈祷一个最不寻常的吸血鬼: 一个长相无辜裹着伊斯兰头巾的年轻女孩滑着滑板巡游在街上搜寻牺牲品来满足她的饥渴。本片以华丽和富有感染力的黑白镜…
  • 纳西德,一个年轻的离婚女人,跟她十岁的儿子住在一个伊朗里海的北方城市。虽然根据伊朗当地法律,孩子的归属权是属于父亲的,但她前夫将孩子给了她,前提是她不能再婚。可当一个深爱她并希望与她结婚的男人出现在纳西德的生命中时,她的生活被彻底打乱了。纳西德,一个年轻的离婚女人,跟她十岁的儿子住在一个伊朗里海的北方城市。虽然根据伊朗…
  • 债务缠身又私生活混乱与女人纠缠不清的男演员某天遇见一位16岁的少女自称是他女儿,贱贱地,他的生活态度就此改变。
  • 辉煌的吉檀迦利家族只剩下公主一个人,当了“女王”的她与权力至上的政客发生矛盾,不知道如何面对以后的种种问题。还好先王最信任的贴身保镖巴瓦尼在女王左右协助她打理一切,慢慢的女王与忠诚的巴瓦尼走得越来越近。总统宣布国家进入紧急状态,政客趁机打击吉檀迦利女王,夺走了皇室的黄金,还逮捕了女王。英勇的巴瓦尼前来拯救女王,召集了自…