搜索 wen

  • 年轻老板金圣回家后蹊跷死在床上,他的妻子为何也神秘坠楼?因加班误点的年轻母亲孤女的女儿,莫名其妙地倒毙在地板上;附近一户陈姓人家居然惨遭灭门;案件看似各有原因,但表面上的理由远未能使人们信服,眼看真相将被遮蔽,能否抓获案件背后的幕后黑手?婚姻横遭家族阻挠的黄妹与陈朗殉情之后,又与陈姓人家发生了怎样的恩怨情仇?冥冥之中,…
  • 希什(威尔史密斯 Will Smith 饰)十分准确的把握了男性的弱点:他们在求爱的时候由于过分迫切想得到对方好感,反而会表现笨拙失去魅力。而希什掌握了一套完整的独家的理论,可以帮助男士在头三次约会时候就成功俘获对方的心,这套谋略全面实用,令约会期间的就餐、牵手、接吻,有了指导细则。   这次希什的客户是胖男人阿伯特(凯文詹姆斯 …
  • 夜深人静之时,年轻女子瑞切尔(Anessa Ramsey 饰)和艾莉莎(Hannah Bryan 饰)突然遭到神秘之人的袭击和绑架。当她们清醒过来后,发现自己正被绑在一座谷仓中,戴着面具的恐怖男子为她们举行邪气逼人的仪式。另一方面,受债务困扰的男人本(AJ Bowen 饰)联合女友艾米(卡瑟琳·兰道夫 Katherine Randolph 饰)、弟弟汤米(安德鲁…
  • Summonedtohissoon-to-bedemolishedchildhoodhome,Masondiscoversavideocamerathatcanseeintothepast,drivinghimtorecordasmanymemoriesaspossiblebeforethedoomedhouseisdestroyed.
  • Summoned to his soon-to-be demolished childhood home, Mason discovers a video camera that can see into the past, driving him to record as many memories as possible before the doomed house is destroyed.
  • Shan Liang, pengasas aplikasi temu janji terkenal, dan Wen Yan, pereka kasut bertumit tinggi, di mata semua orang adalah putera dan puteri yang berbakat dan cantik. Dengan berat hati selepas berkahwin, lelaki lembut itu memasang kereta untuk terbalik, dan Cinderella telah dipukul kembali ke bentuk asalnya. Walaupun beg…
  • Shan Liang, o fundador de um conhecido aplicativo de namoro, e Wen Yan, um designer de sapatos de salto alto, são aos olhos de todos um príncipe e uma princesa talentosos e bonitos. Relutantemente após o casamento, a pessoa gentil armou o …
  • Shan Liang, el fundador de una conocida aplicación de citas, y Wen Yan, un diseñador de zapatos de tacón alto, son a los ojos de todos un príncipe y una princesa que son a la vez talentosos y hermosos. A regañadientes después del matrimon…
  • Shan Liang, founder of the famous dating APP, Xunmi; Wen Rou, designer of high heels. Everyone thinks they are a perfect match. However, Shan Liang discovered Wen Rou's true face after they got married. He didn't choose to give up on her and after all difficulties, they decided to be totally honest with each other and …
  • Shan Liang, người sáng lập ứng dụng hẹn hò nổi tiếng và Wen Yan, nhà thiết kế giày cao gót, trong mắt mọi người đều là hoàng tử và công chúa vừa tài giỏi vừa xinh đẹp. Bất đắc dĩ sau hôn lễ, người dịu dàng dựng xe lật nhào, …