搜索 约翰·佩恩

  • Having lost his heavyweight championship match, boxer Ernie Driscoll now drives a taxi for a living and earns the scorn of his nagging wife, Pauline, who blames him for her lack of social status. Involved with jewel thief Victor Rawlins, Pauline is murdered by him when she impedes his ability to fence the jewels. Blame…
  • 纽约34街柯氏百货公司感恩节游行中,负责活动的华克太太,要求神似圣诞老人的克里斯替代酒醉出丑的汤尼扮演圣诞老人,克里斯慈祥、和蔼的笑容,赢得许多小孩的喜爱,唯独早熟的苏珊不相信圣诞老人的存在;于是她便相克里斯要求一间房子、一个弟弟和一个父亲作为圣诞礼物,藉此考验克里斯是不是真的圣诞老人。此时克里斯的盛名令柯氏死对头-捷克…