搜索 萨达姆·侯赛因

  • On August 2, 1990 Iraqi tanks rumbled into the tiny oil-rich emirate of Kuwait, triggering the turmoil that would soon engulf many of the world's nations in war. Through months of tough talk and bloody combat, CNN's global newsgathering forces reported the story live from Baghdad and Riyadh, Washington and Mosc…
  • 一部记述伊拉克战争前后美国情势的纪录片。美国因何成为恐怖分子的袭击目标?为何乐于卷入战争?乔治布什的政策与9•11事件的爆发有何联系?而他和本•拉登之间关系怎样演变至宿敌?片中用真实的历史场景,从某个侧面提供了一种解读方式。除了关注美国国内,镜头也对准了伊拉克战场。厌倦了战争的美国士兵、被耻笑的伊拉克俘虏、饱受战乱之苦的…