搜索 Fogler

  • 两个相处并不融洽的兄弟离开了经营许久的地毯商店,准备去长岛拍摄一场婚礼录象。
  • 查克(戴恩·库克 Dane Cook 饰)在10岁的一个游戏上,得罪了“小巫婆”。她下了一个毒咒在查理身上。成年后查理成为一名牙医,成功的事业并没有令他过得开怀——他从来没有获得过真爱,奇怪的是,追求他、和他上床的女孩非常多,然而她们总是离他而去,并且下一任的男朋友总是她们的真名天子。查克慢慢察觉到,自己只不过是一道桥,帮助别人通…
  • AnestrangedsisterandbrothertraveltoPolandattherequestoftheirdyinggrandmothertoretrieveanobjectfromherpast.
  • Will's grandfather fought in WWII. Will's father fought in Vietnam. Will plays Call of Duty on his PS3 and drinks non-dairy hazelnut creamer. So what happened to all the real men? They're still here -- they just smell like pomegranate body wash now. Meet Will (Mather Zickel). His evolved, sensitive nature i…