搜索 Hadji

  • 与死神同名的公墓管理员德拉莫提(Rupert Everett 饰)最近遇上了麻烦:下葬的尸体在七天之后会由于尸瘟醒转过来攻击活人,于是德拉莫提和痴肥助手纳吉(François Hadji-Lazaro 饰)经常要把那些僵尸再次打回地狱中去。德拉莫提与纳吉枯燥的工作生活因为各自的爱情经历出现了一些生机,然而他们恋人的最后结局都不甚理想。死神在德拉莫提几近崩…
  • RADIOGRAM is set in 1971 Bulgaria, under the Communist regime: when any western influence, especially music, is a national threat. A time when radio stations like BBC, Deutsche Welle and Radio Free Europe are muffled and prohibited and when all religious organisations are restrained and any such expression is banned. B…