搜索 Irina

  • Three adult siblings go examine their late parents' house in the middle of the forest.
  • Three adult siblings go examine their late parents' house in the middle of the forest.
  • A heroic story about firefighters and rescuers. What we call an act of bravery is just a usual routine for them, if only one can get used to mortal danger and extreme risk. When people in distress seem to have nobody who may help them, rescuers come to fight against merciless forces of nature.
  • This film is a unique production that reveals the beauty of Romania as it is, raw, magical but fragile at the same time. In the heart of Europe, there is a fabulous wildlife, rich in biodiversity, home to numerous wild animals. The endless mountain peaks and river streams, ancient forests, all provide home to various c…
  • 奥杰塔(Uliana Lopatkina 饰)是一位美丽的公主,一场意外中,她不幸的被邪恶的魔王罗特巴尔特变成了一只天鹅。王子齐格弗里德在成人仪式中看到了变成天鹅的奥杰塔,于是追随着她的身影来到了湖畔,奥杰塔以天鹅的姿态默默向王子倾诉着自己的哀怨,王子深深的爱上了奥杰塔,他决定要用自己真爱的力量令奥杰塔变回人形。  齐格弗里德的生日宴…
  • 格鲁吉亚库塔伊西一所学校门口的偶遇。Lisa和Giorgi撞到了一起,一本书掉在了地上。他们显然晕头转向,甚至没有告诉对方自己的名字,就安排了一次约会。这是一见钟情,就像被施了魔法一样,一切都开始变得生动起来:监控摄像头变成了邪恶的眼睛,排水管变成了神谕,他们闭上眼睛,然后-叮!这对恋人被诅咒了,注定第二天醒来后面目全非。但是,…
  • 著名魔术师罗曼诺夫三兄弟正准备他们的新魔术表演,这将使他们成为举世闻名的明星。本以为一切准备完好,然而在表演过程中,女助手凭空消失在道具水箱中,不见踪影。幕后凶手以女助手生命为要挟,控制着整场魔术表演。三兄弟只得一边进行表演,一边查找凶手。 而从一切偏离轨道开始, 每位工作人员都是嫌疑犯......
  • At the full-house premiere of the much-anticipated new musical production of Romeo & Juliet high school group and their teacher mingle with the opening night crowd. They are surrounded by people who are full of excitement. But instead of a new interpretation of a classic, the on-stage drama is overtaken by real events.…
  • 十八年前的一段孽恋看似被淡忘,但随着一幅封尘的画作重现,和这段孽缘有关的人和事被一一抖出,引起轩然大波,一发不可收拾……尚谦与妻子锐婷由英国回流返港。谦是一名画家,出道十数载依然寂寂无名,得婷在旁督促,才未有放弃。画廊老板志浩是谦的好友,谦的一幅旧作被浩视为「沧海遗珠」,经浩大肆宣传,谦终于一尝成名滋味。这幅画作令谦回…
  • 十八年前的一段孽恋看似被淡忘,但随着一幅封尘的画作重现,和这段孽缘有关的人和事被一一抖出,引起轩然大波,一发不可收拾……尚谦与妻子锐婷由英国回流返港。谦是一名画家,出道十数载依然寂寂无名,得婷在旁督促,才未有放弃。画廊老板志浩是谦的好友,谦的一幅旧作被浩视为「沧海遗珠」,经浩大肆宣传,谦终于一尝成名滋味。这幅画作令谦回…