搜索 Schaefer

  • 天真无邪的莱蒂·梅森从弗吉尼亚的家搬到西部大草原上的甜水镇,住在表妹贝弗利、妻子柯拉和三个孩子的农场里。莱蒂很快就了解到,在甜蜜的水中,环境是多么的荒凉,最明显的一点就是持续不断的风。但同样冷漠的是生活在甜水里的人们那种粗野的生活方式。
  • It’s winter in a small southern Norwegian town in the late nineteenth century. After years of struggling, Dr. Thomas Stockmann and his family – his wife Catherine, their young adult daughter Petra, and their two adolescent sons Ejlif and M…
  • 1985年,那时正是美苏两极争霸越演越烈的年代,史泰龙自导自演的洛基系列也出到了第四集,这一系列影片旨在振奋人心、宣扬美国精神。这一集讲述的是洛基(西尔维斯特史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)的好友前美国拳王到苏联出战他们研制的拳击机械人,不敌对手最终身遭不测。为了帮好友复仇和维护国家荣誉,洛基决定再次出马。 出战前,洛基进行…
  • A disabled Vietnam vet suspected of murder on Maui in 1971 must rediscover the Hawaiian warrior within to protect his family, defend their land, and clear his fathers name.
  • 14岁的少年天才艾利被哈佛拒绝后,他进入了常春藤联盟的名校怀特曼学院。艾利一开始非常讨厌这所学校,后来他遇到了41岁的同学里奥。里奥此前是名赌徒,他的生活一团糟,刚刚被学校录取。这两个奇怪的人会擦出什么样的火花呢?14岁的少年天才艾利被哈佛拒绝后,他进入了常春藤联盟的名校怀特曼学院。艾利一开始非常讨厌这所学校,后来他遇到了4…
  • 才华横溢的记者米亚一直希望被晋升为首席编辑。
  • In the dead of winter, a musician travels to a remote cottage to work on new material but soon finds herself under attack from a mysterious dark presence.
  • Russian operatives hijack a commercial American jet, planning to crash it into a nuclear power plant near Washington, D.C. resulting in fallout that will devastate the Eastern seaboard. With little time for Air Force fighters to shoot it down, the passengers and crew aboard the aircraft must rely on their own military …
  • 五位鬼屋爱好者朋友仍在努力从前一个万圣节被蓝骷髅绑架的创伤中恢复过来——这群人将“极端鬼屋”提升到了另一个层次。 他们决定直面恐惧,继续前行,回到路上寻找更多的鬼屋。 然而,蓝骷髅的不祥征兆又开始出现了……
  • 在全国各地无数鬼屋的景点的假鲜血和廉价的面具下,有真正可怕的替代品的耳语。 希望为万圣节寻找真实的,鲜血的恐惧,五个朋友出发在房车上进行公路旅行,以追踪这些地下的出场。 就在他们的搜索似乎达到死胡同时,奇怪而令人不安的事情开始发生,很明显,出没来了...