搜索 Treadaway

  • 本片讲述了一个生活在伦敦的有趣年轻人的故事。(转自moviereleased)PelicanBloodtellsthestoryofNikko,afunnybutleft-of-centeryoungmanlivinginLondon.Followingadisastrousbreakupwithhisgirlfriend,Stevie,he’stakinglifeonedayatatime,throwingallhisenergyintohishob…
  • Set against the turbulent backdrop of Forties London, The Night Watch tells the stories of four young Londoners inextricably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexual morality and social convention have been broken down, Kay (Anna Maxwell Martin), Helen (Claire Foy), Viv (Jodie Whittake…