搜索 Vetchý

  • Eliska's husband has left her for a younger woman. She is childless, in her early forties, yet still attractive. Till then she had taken care of her successful husband, but now she has to start anew without his financial support. Eliska starts teaching at a local village school. Since she can't find a l…
  • 《知己》编织了一段关于儿时好友的错综复杂的童话般的故事,他们之间有着不同寻常的牢固纽带,以及很多奇妙的秘密。当这两个年轻人都处在前途发展最关键的时刻,一连串的谎言、赌博和谋杀,导致其中一人无辜入狱。11年铁窗生活之后,他决心讨偿,不惜一些手段。